2019 CSA and Farm Update
/Dear Dedicated CSA Community,
We hope that 2019 has gotten off to a good start and that you are all doing well! Your farmers have been busy looking to the future of Native Hill and working with PVCF (the land Co-Op) in order to transition to the 40 acre farm at Montava. There is still a lot to work out as we look towards this transition but it is a very exciting opportunity for the farm and more broadly, the Fort Collins community.
In order to focus on the new farm as well as to give our current farm's soil a MUCH needed break, we have decided to take a year off of growing and selling produce. We have gone through many different scenarios to try to keep the farm producing vegetables during this transition year, but in the end, we felt that the best outcome would only come from taking a year off to focus on the future. We need a break from juggling while sprinting. Sometimes you just have to close a road to actually fix it and we hope you see this year as an annoying but necessary detour.
Don't worry though, we will still need your help to ensure our success with the new farm. We will be reaching out to you all throughout this strategic planning year with updates and opportunities to get more involved in supporting the transition. We are excited to keep you all engaged as we move forward and there will be moments to give feedback on things that you would like to see happen with Native Hill.
We hope you will all view this news as a positive and exciting opportunity for your farm. We LOVE farming and growing food for our wonderful community and we are so looking forward to providing you all with great food again for the 2020 growing season. The best place to find updates will be our website, www.nativehillfarm.com, but please feel free to contact us with any questions that you have in the meantime.
Love and Gratitude,
Nic and Katie