Farmers' Market Opening May 23

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We will be at the Farmer's Market this Saturday, May 23, 9am-1pm, at the Larimer County Courthouse parking lot in Old Town, Fort Collins.

Things will obviously look very different this year. There will be many precautions in place to make both of these experiences as safe as possible for you and your family. Below, you will find details about what to expect so you come prepared and have a safe experience picking up your locally grown veggies.

What to expect at the Farmer's Market?

We will be in a new location on the more eastern side of the market where all the farms will be located.  

  • Shop healthy - wear a mask or face covering and gloves when shopping

  • Go solo - and please no pets

  • Come prepared - have a plan/shopping list prepared

  • Mind the signs

  • Reduce money handling - no Market Bucks this year

  • Take it to go - please do not eat at the Market

  • Let us serve you - allow vendors to hand products to you

  • Be courteous and patient!

For more information about the Larimer County Farmer's Market please visit their website:

Larimer County Farmer's Market is open every Saturday, 9am-1pm, from May 23 - October 31, 2020.