Farmin' In the Moment
/Winter Farm Shares now on sale!
Good Morning Folks!
First of all, thanks to all of you who sent such thoughtful emails and offered such encouraging words at the market on Saturday. It means more than you know to your farmers and the team here and we feel uplifted after such a difficult week. We are in recovery mode this week, assessing damages, prioritizing tasks...and then reprioritizing...the rule book has been thrown out the window and we are just farmin' in the moment so to speak. There are plants to foliar, fruit to trim, weeds to whack (still too wet to get the tractors in the field), and oh the endless onion harvest. Some of the produce will look less than perfect at the market stand this week and as painful as it is to present you all with blemished product, we have little choice. Much of the blemishes are just scaring, the plant naturally healing itself on the vine after the injuries. Although we have sorted through the product that did not heal itself (aka, rotted), it would be best not to store scared veggies in your fridge for too long (a week or two is good) for risk of pre-mature spoilage.
Many of you have asked what you can do to support the farm through this storm and after assessing our situation, we have decided to try to double down on our winter production. We have increased our goal for winter CSA sign ups, so please spread the word! Signing up for a winter CSA share with the farm would not only help us cash flow through the end of the year but also provide you and your families with delicious winter produce during the dark months. And quite honestly, its fun! Pick ups are every other Wednesday at Equinox Brewing so it is the prefect mid-week winter treat.
There were a few winter crops that were hit by the storm, but we feel confident that if they do not pull through, we will be able to find another local organic source to substitute them. Many folks find the winter share is great to split with another family as we only offer one size. If you are interested in a winter share but don't know anyone who might split with you, just shoot me an email and I will start connecting folks. Finally, if you are in the Loveland area, we have some folks who are interested in setting up a pick-up rotation to make it more convenient to get your winter vegetables. Please let me know if you are interested in getting on that list. You can find more info and sign up for the winter CSA share here.
Ok, enough storm talk. Its time to get back to what we all have in common and that is food! And given the current state of the farm, we are going to be celebrating the ordinary and giving thanks for what survived. Yes, believe it or not, we are going to make cabbage sexy this week. We grow several types of cabbage on the farm, almost exclusively for the late summer and fall months and so this is just the first of hopefully several types to come. This is a green, fresh eating variety which means it will store for at least a month or more in your fridge but is not a nice,thick head like our winter varieties. Our favorite way to eat it is making a delicious slaw for fish tacos with chopped carrot and sweet onion, but there are many other ways to prepare it such as making a big batch of sauerkraut to slather on burgers, braising it with sweet peppers, or stewing it down with some delicious tomatoes. If you are feeling very fancy, check out Melissa Clark's recipe for cabbage and onion torta, it is sure to break even the most stubborn of cabbage haters.
Looking forward to seeing many of you soon,
P.S. This availability is somewhat fluid, so we may not have everything at every market. I know it makes it hard to plan, but its just the reality of the situation, sorry!
This Week's Harvest
Beets, Loose
Beans, mostly green but some yellow
Italian and Asian Eggplant
Sweet Peppers
Summer Squash, just a little bit
Salad Cucumbers
Sweet Onions
Heirloom Tomatoes
Cherry Tomatoes
Green Fresh Cabbage
Flowers, just a few bouquets
Garlic, plenty :)