/First Winter Market this weekend - Saturday at the Opera Galleria in Old Town, Fort Collins!
Aloha Folks,
It is so handy to have a word that means both hello and goodbye and I find it perfectly acceptable to borrow from another culture or language when they seem to be onto something. It is appropriate for this particular situation because this letter is both a greeting and a farewell. We have successfully turned all of your CSA money into produce and this past week was our last week of our "summer" farm share program. We hope you have all enjoyed this 24 week farming adventure, and I do mean adventure. You all have survived a late May snow storm, an August hail storm, an early October snow and now for the grande finale you will be with us as we try to harvest all of our winter carrots in the next 12 hours in order to avoid some ugly weather that is heading our way next week. We so appreciate all of your support, kind words, and enthusiasm throughout this challenging weather season and know that local agriculture would not exist without you all. Stay tuned for details on next year's sign ups, there will be some big changes and we expect to have more info to y'all by January.
We know that we will see many of you starting Wednesday, November 8th for our winter CSA program and we are excited about decelerating the pace a bit and enjoying a beer and a chat you folks. If you are not signed up for the winter CSA, we will be at the sporadic winter markets that start Nov 4th, at the Opera Galleria, so you can continue to get a limited variety of produce from us there (gotta save all the good stuff for the winter CSA folks). If you are a farm stand customer, your last day to use your CSA account will be this Saturday, October 28th (same as our market members). If you would like to keep getting vegetables from the stand after that date, please just pay cash. In other good news, we will be moving one of our coolers from the farm stand down to Me-Oh-My pie for the winter and anyone will be able to keep purchasing produce through the colder months when our stand would normally be closed. More details on this to come, but we are hoping to have that up and running around the first week of November.
A few house keeping things. If you have money left on your account, it does not roll over to any of our winter programs or next year's season. As I mentioned early, it has all successfully been turned into produce and therefore we can't hold a balance for you over the winter; however, we will be donating the rest of your balance in kind to the food bank of Larimer county. Thanks for understanding. There are a handful of y'all that are extra good vegetable consumers and have a negative balance with us. Most of you are farm stand customers and so I will be sending out invoices after the last market to all you healthy ones. Please pay these by November 15th.
Thank you all again for another great season and Aloha!
Katie, Nic and the Native Hill Crew
This Week's Harvest
Head Lettuce
Winter Squash
Red and Savoy Cabbage
Broccoli Florets
Possibly a small amount of Cauliflower