Happy New Year - 2017 CSA Now Open!
/Cheers! 2017 CSA now open! (Photo by cliff cottage collective)
Happy New Year Folks!
We trust you are all enjoying the quiet of winter and hope you were able to enjoy the holidays with family and friends. Now that the days are officially getting lighter, your farmers are working hard to ramp up for the 2017 growing season. This means purchasing supplies, fixing broken equipment, and combing seed catalogs for interesting new varieties of vegetables that we think might grow well in our Colorado home. In just a short while, we will be firing up the greenhouse and starting many of the seedlings that will eventually turn into sweet, juicy August fruit. In order to make this all happen, we count on CSA folks like you to help us get a head start on the season. How is that you ask? By purchasing your vegetables in January, you are making August tomatoes a reality and sharing the risk and rewards of local agriculture with your fellow community members. Not only do you receive delicious, local produce for your up front support, but you also receive a 10% off of our market prices for your commitment.
There are two ways to sign up for your 2017 market CSA share. You can sign up electronically here and pay via a credit card. You can also sign up for the 2017-2018 winter CSA at the same time or wait until we get a little closer to the new season...say around August. Our 2016 members will have until January 31st to guarantee their spots in our 2017 summer program. After that, you can still sign up and receive your 10% discount as along as long as there are shares available, but we will not longer be holding a spot for you.
Quick Farm Update:
We anticipate another great growing season for 2017. We are moving into the digital age here on the farm, with things like a - wait for it...gasp - a Facebook page and an electronic point of sales system that will make our CSA accounting much more efficient and less prone to errors. For those of you who are like farmer Nic and like to geek out on farm equipment, we are also purchasing an antique root harvester that should help us grow more of our famous carrots in hopes of having them all winter. Finally, for those of you tracking with Poudre Valley Community Farms, our land cooperative project, we are in the final stages of securing our first land purchase. We are hoping to be at the closing table come March!
We hope you will join us for another great season, please email info@nativehillfarm or call us at 970-980-1366 if you have any questions!
Native Hill Farm