Thank you for a wonderful season!
/Thank you for a great season! We love feeding you!
Greeting Y'all,
We made it! Phew! The last week of the 2016 market CSA season is here and we are a jumble of mixed emotions on the farm. We are always bummed when the season ends because we miss the warm days, farm food, and getting to see all of you great folks at the market; however, we have a lot of responsibility to keep you all fed and so there is a little relief when we have completed another market season and feel as if we left you fat and happy for the winter (fat is a figure of speech). To quote Dennis Stenson, the end of the season for us at Native Hill is a bit like juggling while sprinting. We have to stay focused on getting out the last of our market stuff but still be getting ready for our winter obligations. There is a lot of food to get into storage before the snow flies and a seemingly narrow windows to make it happen. We have hundreds of pounds of garlic to plant, thousands of pounds of roots to dig, wash, and store, and tunnel greens to seed and weed. Our goal is to get it all done before Thanksgiving, but sometimes we are even more rushed depending on the first storm. Time will tell!
We'd like to thank you all for a really wonderful season. As Wendell Berry says, "eating is an agricultural act" and we are grateful to have each of you supporting local agriculture. We recognize that it is not the most convenient choice to join a CSA for your vegetable needs, but we hope the pros of eating fresh and supporting local, organic farmers make up for the trouble and we hope that you will join us again next season.
Shares for the 2017 season will go on sale next January, so keep an eye out for an email at that time. If you want to share the farm love, gift certificates to the market stand or towards CSA shares are available for the holiday season. Its a great way to keep your loved ones healthy and to support a local, sustainable business.
For those of you who are not participating in the winter CSA, you can find winter staples from Native Hill at the Winter Market in the Opera Galleria. We will be there Nov-March, just look for the Native Hill banner. The first market is Nov 5th and runs 9am-1pm.
Thank you all again!
Katie, Nic, and the Native Hill Team
This Week's Harvest
Spicy Mix
Broccoli Rabe
Head Lettuce