Join a land co-op this holiday season!
/Own a piece of this land - Poudre Valley Community Farms - a land cooperative.
Hello Folks,
I hope you are all enjoying the mild winter week! Great things are happening with our Land Cooperative project and we wanted to invite anyone who is thinking about joining the Co-Op or making a tax deductible donation to the Co-Op through the Rocky Mountain Farmer's Union to do so before the end of the 2015 fiscal year! We are currently over 60% of the way to our goal and we are hoping to have the funds in the bank to purchase the land in the first quarter of 2016.
For those of you who are new to the game, here is the basis of the project:
1. The Community Purchases threatened farmland via Poudre Valley Community Farms, a Land Cooperative.
2. The land cooperative provides a long term lease to a local farmer (like Native Hill)
3. Native Hill transitions the farmland to organic farmland and provides annual dividends to cooperative members based on purchases of farm products. (think REI)
For more info, check out www.Farmland.Coop or come visit us at our office hours at the Down Town Artery. We will be there from 1-4pm Friday Dec 11th and Friday Dec 18th. Can't make it? Shoot me an email and we can find another time to talk!
If you are already schooled on the project, its time to buy land! You can do so by becoming a member of the cooperative or making a tax deductible donation to the project. There are options for payment plans as well and you can choose this option on your application.
3 easy steps to become a member:
1. Fill out an "application" (this helps us direct you to the correct type of membership paperwork) at
2. Fill out the membership agreement that will be emailed to you after your application has been processed
3. Send membership payment to the PO Box listed on the invoice
If you are more interested in doing a one time donation to the project through the RMFU, you can do so here:
Thank you for considering PVCF and Native Hill in your end of year giving! Happy Holidays and we will keep you all posted as we move forward on this historic project!